I wrote a letter in Dutch to Anja Wessels, a Dutch photographer I discovered last year to give me the joy of finding sometimes fine art photography and good landscape art/
I don't hope she's been belied about my person and my occupations as we are a bank concern representant as well.
I would like as for reasons of discernity my words of complaint about experiences I suffer most badly and didn't stop to irritate my attention which should spend all energy to keep the mind at the subjects that free instead of submit. And I would prefer my words are received as to become accepted for what they are: a personal impression of what is natural in one's reaction on this pains and not this words interpreted like giving such an idea about the issue of a painful life that out of theoretical parti-pris considerations has been esteemed some people were allowed to explain 'he doesn't care about the sufferances which woud be inhuman.
In short:
I decided that instead of asking for mercy I should stop by myself the proceeding with customs not belonging to customs of a lawful and legitimate treatment of any individual. That way I plead for the human rights declaration to become legislated and interreted as a way of conditioning the rule of any political institution in all countries chosen to participate in organisations for democratic law giving.
In short again I want to plead for making laws about the human conditions of life as sound for any individual citizen of any legitimate state.
I would like as for reasons of discernity my words of complaint about experiences I suffer most badly and didn't stop to irritate my attention which should spend all energy to keep the mind at the subjects that free instead of submit. And I would prefer my words are received as to become accepted for what they are: a personal impression of what is natural in one's reaction on this pains and not this words interpreted like giving such an idea about the issue of a painful life that out of theoretical parti-pris considerations has been esteemed some people were allowed to explain 'he doesn't care about the sufferances which woud be inhuman.
In short:
I decided that instead of asking for mercy I should stop by myself the proceeding with customs not belonging to customs of a lawful and legitimate treatment of any individual. That way I plead for the human rights declaration to become legislated and interreted as a way of conditioning the rule of any political institution in all countries chosen to participate in organisations for democratic law giving.
In short again I want to plead for making laws about the human conditions of life as sound for any individual citizen of any legitimate state.
Therefore and not losing sight on the normal flow of emotions I give this words of my complaint in a personal account about my situation and not because I consider myself to be a very important person among all my brothers and sisters. The beautiful photography of Anja Wessels made me feel there could be a better life than I had, and meanwhile I feared she would think about me what my experience with the public gossip had told me. Nevertheless the Google + rules are you can relate just by clicking on a name of a person or community.
The router of the effects of the sufferance systems are such the individual experience is depersonalized and even I know he is for that reason reproached I make now this way of enrolling a public issue like an example to prove a person still lives in true answer to his human nature whether he suffered or not. Meanwhile too in order to give answer once and for all to the question of certainty the Kingdom of Heaven exists and let be heared about the misuse of religious convincements as well as makes effectuate the charges of a lawcourt international or national or in an ad hoc consistment of judging like sometimes happens within the living church community, to make way of honesty with all this reasoning and reason I made creating the possibility to be read my words in this heresy within the link to my words/ Anja (dutch written).
____________________The router of the effects of the sufferance systems are such the individual experience is depersonalized and even I know he is for that reason reproached I make now this way of enrolling a public issue like an example to prove a person still lives in true answer to his human nature whether he suffered or not. Meanwhile too in order to give answer once and for all to the question of certainty the Kingdom of Heaven exists and let be heared about the misuse of religious convincements as well as makes effectuate the charges of a lawcourt international or national or in an ad hoc consistment of judging like sometimes happens within the living church community, to make way of honesty with all this reasoning and reason I made creating the possibility to be read my words in this heresy within the link to my words/ Anja (dutch written).
For reasons of continuous relative concern to our churches becoming unified in a well belanced set-up for treatment of the questions living among the faithful why differences rule us and not the peace of agreement I have sent a copy of the original letter to the two pastors in my village without caring the rather ambitious suspection I like it more to make trouble in religious concerns.
I don't understand very much about the situation of 'the others' except that such when you remark their action they are coming out at the dark side of the moon like stepping into the light of a new beautiful day those in a ressembling comment are doomed to stare just in the same time towards the imaginem showing by their convincement they ought to they give us the backside of hell all were passing yesterday.
I don't understand very much about the situation of 'the others' except that such when you remark their action they are coming out at the dark side of the moon like stepping into the light of a new beautiful day those in a ressembling comment are doomed to stare just in the same time towards the imaginem showing by their convincement they ought to they give us the backside of hell all were passing yesterday.
Instead of being desperate I do control my mind now too whether the one which pretends has suffered so much by misuse of his faithful accounting, has made suffering others by his eternal dwelf.
Francis of the ages is greeting
n.b. what is giving me so much joy is that I am tought by Thomas Aquinas in the dreamful way our Lord had chosen He would like me to moderate my rational way of faithful accounting without me knowing which one of the old age accompaning angel munks the Thomas was in this.
kind regard, for this opportunity,____________
reckin natur sid Geor effendi sidu_______________________________________________
Williams Castle
Georgera Bath
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