lympha Sable

lympha Sable
by Scottish graciousness

dinsdag 18 juli 2017

erreg leuk: zonder reden

Grunhaut from the east
met twitter:
- weet niet waarom maar het moet iets mooi's zijn -

het beeld van Rio de Janeiro

as well:
no higher authority but God is recognized

de baai van Napels

looks like we got fresh air

The name Apollo is the name of a Roman god. His identity came from an older source, the goddess Apollon which was the important god venerated in a culture common to all Greek citystates. As is obvious the Romans nearly imported every item of the culture ruling both the Republic as the Empire, it must have been the original idea of representation of all cultural values in one personified identity fitted Roman society well and has been in accordance with the traditions on which the Roman concept of state was based.

Once and for all and above any doubt I can  add to this short identification that the idea of Apollo represented a god for the public cause, one in which Roman citizens did experience their idea about what should be their culture.  Personified like that ideal about culture was we see how this was represented by Apollo, creating this adherence to the personification experienced by way of taking a part in his cult too a condition by which the Roman citizens could conceive they were members of an international social order all of which identity was sacrificed to Apollo.

Budai Var - St. Joseph - the roof - Budapest Hungary

And the complexity of this effects, ways of reasoning and experience of the civilian circumstances became as if this were a true power materialized in the reality of society due to the acceptable way of civil life that power in the real world made possible and brought with. Not with much enthousiasm venerated in the armies this deity held a very popular position among the gods important in military life being his cult one which had to do with fine art, poetry, love and peace, values only counting to be important for a man having a civic home embedded in the society of a city or a town.