lympha Sable

lympha Sable
by Scottish graciousness

maandag 19 maart 2018

answer [contact[result]full amount] 2Ur proposal |+ Dr. Clement Bur/abouts

Think I have done sufficiently  giving you this to account for the question you opened.

To fill up with automattic encoding, and stop in time, then to close down again the problem created by autonatural processes by decoding results up to a limit value prescribed by the number of key values, will give as for as much to find no ratio in zero for opening any next problem is what we have to make believe. Like every mathematician in the field after the new theory in mathematics the kind 'lady of Harvard' ( the miss from Iran I mean, which died last year by way of any cancer, we have been trather close) taught us about interstellair communication. 
The internet provisions in general provide - for as fast as I can give an overview it'll be no use giving the public only to like the results as for no more than a decoration - the possibility to represent Internation - invention of dr. Bur 25/02/2018 . 
Like this became 'the usual' you thought you had to take in for yourself being this any ( like Belamy's cfr.) true response at the least try which you could find to reply to this recollected source of demands that grew out into the e-syndrome 14 (definition dr. Bur) which you all turned out to suffer you share now actually - you are a closed collection - an as well e-position-14 - deposit in a nec\time - lisace is beautiful infeed - one source. This object being that a sender itself - while you were pouring in your drinks or let that be done - some meanwhile challenged to get sexual satisfaction in a rather depersonalized way - and by which way of your demands for the impossible you demaned all - at this point it was considered thoughtfully being that way of proceeding with your porfyr none emblems to be this an exquisite way to make drug off the public to any kind of normal life on your behalf.
Concluding you experience all are now death-way and too dull to make for any satisfiable result in sexist seats if any is wisheable untill today - more limited than to use up to annoyance the idea of internationalism which would be more desireable to be reached - dating the concept of internationalism from 19th century socialist theory (you didn't know that, uh?) - I did decide that this 'today' 25 februari is a good day and well chosen to let me have myself introduced to the screen stages which would be directed to my posture already many years before this one - though you have like I know your systems of interpretation invented by the snake-lady putting herself forward to be 'the Queen' but not doing anything different than only openly blaming a decent man and his family and everything that is holy to him as much as is holy to his peoples - there are more than only one -  for no reason anyway but to hide her motives and practices of having mischieved her people by what yields him retrieving her by biting this man in his blood veins any way - this is the unrighteousness of an entire age which is seeking for revenge. 
This man then which can't defend himself against the public lies and violence she let go to and over him fysically, idolatry way,  and over his house of honor called now recently Huis Bueran though I am against the idea to be put in the centre of attention reasons for which can be explained by @automattic/work-with-us and for scientific representing later on will be a lecture.
It is easy to make the audience to believe something by repeating of the word(s) calling the conceivement time and again - I do understand different sources and systems share with each other the kind of bias account interpretation if not that tradition gives in that not all of a pentagram based mathematic should be followed if not one dislikes to come into erroneous counting, as fas as mine goes I keep and / or do so this time along the interpretation as is in the etching by Leonardo da Vinci.  

Dit is een wat abstract ogend maar tegelijkertijd dicht bij de aarde blijvend verhaal waarmee ik tracht aan te geven dat alle valse vergelijkingen en gemene misinterpretaties, het verraad en de diestallen en ook de soms fysieke bedreigingen waarmee ik benaderd ben en nog altijd word, waarmee mijn woorden die de Zijne zijn telkens verdraaid worden door de influx van een valse getuigenis ooit aan dat inmiddels tot kutwijkend monster uitgegroeide - houd ons ten goede: wij kunnen er beiden zelf weinig aan doen en als wij worden voorgelogen valt er nog minder aan te doen - en tot geliefde vorstin gebombardeerde vrouwsparsteel - eilaart dat is 'eel 'ne eer - wie hij is die de bovenstaande woorden inknyestalkte - laat ons zeggen de heer de Buerr van Teylingen zu Kiev?  😉 😍 😥 🌈 😇 😲

zondag 18 maart 2018

toekomstig verleden tijdsbeeld

ik heb aan het beeld van de toekomst die reeds weer tot de geheime
redenen van de verleden tijd is gaan behoren de naam meegegeven van:


clem bur - facteur franc

e -


spreuk 'had ik beter kunnen doen naderhand inderdaad'

Er is 1 afbeelding naar u verzonden.


Deze afbeeldingen zijn verzonden met Picasa, van Google.
Probeer het hier uit:

flora medicusia | oscars een paviljoen indruk

 Er zijn altijd van die woorden die de Clemens niet zo snel doorkrijgt van zichzelf als meer behorende tot de gelagkamers van de Brandicourts
 en de bijbehorende plaatjes liegen er ook vaak niet erg omheen - kun je zo hebben

- meet you at the Oscars

        wat het worden moet?

the lines here under I worked on by way of a hot mail message I sent two years ago to somebody who had made a good photograph of a certain flower attracting my attention but it was mentioned that if you'd like to download a picture - it was one out of more than 25.000 - you have to ask for permission or at least have to inform the photographer of your evil activity - for a way of preaching  the Word which I don't do often like everybody knows I give here a translation of the original ancient greek word  photoon  which means light - like I want to be faithful too for my own sake I understand all that read this  few words did receive already some teaching - or such has reached them this way they have discussed some kind of ideas - that you'll achieve to find your way in understanding about light//[odd = dark]


Winding the wonderful threads in my mind provided for by way of using the device which serves me every day like it were a sewing machine to develop a new garment with my fingertips on the keys this day the screen leads us on and on finally reaching your mail address

– this had to do with a photograph in  a botanical album of a flower if I am well a stephanoides or alike name – and I can't devine for which reason this flower keeps its reason which is made easy to link to your attention but I guess this is in case a wish comes in  using the picture  is as well an expression of what's about the inner life moving, and to use the picture for illustration is what I would like to.

The picture is nice in its innocence, like everything of value she looks harmless even, quoting me Simon Vinkenoog, a Dutch poet - 'everything giving defence is not for this reason even so much valued' - this is  true and so my motives for a possible download and upload are the flower represents beauty in the way given flowers do, by making you experience beauty.  I eventually catched the bird's singing you agree with my intention.

I  like to brief over my thanks for your agreement. Though everybody thinks it's no work to look at a  picture showing a flower the impression by itself gives the demand to convert feeling into a  stored file.

Clement George greeting 

Gift 2U 4X: engraving with title
'in a garden of love'

Verzonden vanuit Mail voor Windows 10

still going well |+| mail 2 Roy-bota Ed. Bur. Guarden [egmund count] file: clem burr edits

Like in the entire U.K. I only can reach a very limited number of addresses and just your Ed.Bur.Gar. and - but that is heavy working: the RoyKeGard.(-iens) in Richmond - as near where is the Deer Forest ye know - addressing in  the U.K. doesn't belong to my priorities which gives me a feeling of luxury and comfort - than what is my point for the Royal address in Scotland I send to Edinburg Guards - rbge isn't that the brief way? - the mail message composed to share with the few and the many

- as well I have decided to act this way like for a first bite I felt one day inspired with #rbge to take the insight and not leave it that no matter what Royal adjective is given it is meaning any Royal is free to consider that Edinburg keeps an  entry to whoever is botanically interested - such is what I have to accept like my taking part in the gardening of this world - it is free to esteem as much so well that me is Royal as much as any other Roy'al Gu'earth - mind this muselman interests - so I feel free the adress 2which is mailed this composition could be esteemed for being Clement George's (ping ping + the clouds have silver edges) as  well mine

- Her Majesty Queen Elisa (my sight view and me is Higgins way) as (H.M. likes to be called by 'Her Majong-sty' - gives relation to Staten Island where lives the diehard nowadays) sent me over her consent with my insight that it is free - smile - to cooperate in  Royalty - what is more important to mime is that Campbel representatives have send me message me is bestowed for now with Argyll - Clement George than concluding it would be better to be called Spencer immediately fdid find reason th mackelayed an Enterprise  Argyll Services with this bits of information - one who is the Word nearly only works with the existing verbalizations - that way doing I got this feeling I have nearly set up a good perch filled with exotic plants not all flowering (!)

for how this is now counting that many people would like the poor Clem being rich and I might even promis the first ship goes to Forth and Fifth to travel over to Leith to care some people feeling sad about Qu'n Mar-y St'rt having been alife for a long time in the regions where is the good town of Isphah'n i  Persia - we just couldn't notify the address by way of the acceleration of string nerves in our brains keeping the mind on short term thinking - to rfeach the regions where Qu'eila Ma'ryan held offices and home it will be more adapted to this objects of action to set out with an expedition to famous Palace of Ecbatana with which exhausted Ayatollah Government is in a fight they don't see where comes from the swarm with this locusts they see in mind

in between: soon the artist Ali ibn al'Budr will start with 

-  top conceive well my given freedom understand this is the case when late Lady Clementine Spencer ordered me with one of her good smiles - sometimes her ladyship likes better to show off in the demeanor of her colleague Picardia Bueri - who knows - her Ladyship gave me to do envoyee U'all her warn greetings qand adds 'all's well that starts well' -

  • it is not doing harm to a hermith to become conscious of the limits of time and place and doing the scene he has this benevolence over himself - hope that gives a little consolation to my confidential remindment even when I stay here in Holland I can't make myself free of duties  though..
  • as well that the miracolous ability is bestowed to my mindful being it is in God's power to let me walk in two places of his world at the samer time - how that happens poor Clement can't explain himself - being this a kind of spiritual gift myself aware is it doesn't know very much of but it happens more often and somrtimes such sways do meet [try Office 365 home and you have purchased for the entry]

  • that I have already a few times dreamed as well that I was fully conscious same time that Him made a good morning walk in your beautiful gardens in the field of Edinburg as well I remember well I visited Logan Gardens - n.b. bit less royal wouldn't be foolish - what makes this so tricky is meanwhile people around  - there is Always this bunch of private eyes to my doorstep - didn't remark me slipping away from this obviously enthralling address of the pentagram number in the mind of this world that having been on inspiration my turn to change something to the modern mind aberrations -  so I had escaped to buy myself some food in the supermarket nearby where the Emperor set out some gu'ard applies - pucini sahib di Clemente 4Shiva! - while beingHim  only visible for some needing to have the good looking back - this I made to become congruent in Halland with York: when eyes get open here they open in York after an houre as well - for Medici lane I must be an accepted house owner having abiities in landlordship - smile, daysie, smile but you can't do first foxstrot twice in one week time

  • see for the inlooks: hay flic - burtoncl5
  • -   and sometimes people in the supermark only hear a voice out of a misty vapor who gives the change for the cup of tea they owe me with their jobs persistance to keep away the vultures of Beaumont Terrace - Gutzfreed is any unknown name for a hobbit  - the neighbourhood deteriates sometimes to any underground city feeling - may I ask to rediscuss international rights in and around the V Canterbury Dominion we live in? In my few diplomatic explorations in recent years we felt happy whith the way Lake Boden is managed

  • so mr. invisible man ray clemide - hybrid perennial from Nicaragua - see this blog - pays for his bread and cheese and wines and the free Tobacco just 'cause he likes it so much to play with the coins and banknotes and the plastic tricks and then counting up in a number of 1 to 10 with the cashier lady.i

  • -it is not that I am too lazy to be in contact with high lords but I don't like too much to have my eyes lifted to endless Heights and then to forget about my chronic feaver causing me to evite looking in what's above my level of seeing this world - synchronic in many ways with the mexican suburbs and giving me a release of this mighty forcefull power playing in me the inevitable studio boss - Streisand doubts me, brrr - my problem I don't dare to tell my therapist because the asylum is still nearby - my student wants to make King Kong tearing down some skyscrapers ruling too much also my world

  • - why are 'me's of this world' near bankruptancy? Because of Skyscraper Banking Enterprise exerting light headed purchase customs.... and even when I just justifiably walk down a street I mainly look to the pavement here around - al'U's have to like  Clement walks with a stick otherwise he'll become somehow an odd hippy dancing only for one, two, three minutes before his decorum is tumbling down to earth/😉🌷 

Clem Bur

for Buerlingen Duchety